The Apostle Paul was a tent maker and was mostly self sustained during his missions, we would also like to one day be self sustained. As of the end of 2023 we have spent over $80,000 dollars of our own savings to get our family established in Mozambique and get our project stated. We require partners willing to invest in our vision for healthier Macua households. When we arrived in Mozambique we purchased an Old Hydraform compressed soil block machine to make the blocks that we would need to build our home. Hydraform compressed soil blocks are made by mixing local soils with a small amount of cement and water, then compressing the mixture into blocks using a hydraulic press.
These blocks are then stacked somewhat like Legos and used to build walls for homes and other structures. They are known for their durability, affordability, and sustainability, as they are made from locally-sourced materials and require less energy to produce than traditional building materials. After we started building our home, we had other locals interested in buying blocs from us. We have managed to sell enough blocks to build 7 homes in the vicinity. The issue arose when trying to expand our manufacturing business as our blocks cost 27 meticais retail (48 cents USD) and the local crummy cinderblocks cost 23 Meticais to manufacture at home (39 cents USD) So the middle class community continues to opt building with the cinderblock.
Our Machine is 20 years old and goes to slow. It is expensive to run as we have to plan the day around electricity availability, weather, and Diesel Shortages. Our solution to outcompete the local block prices is to order 4-5 Chinese Manual Block machines and produce the same blocks manually taking advantage of the cheap local labor rates. If we can Produce the blocks at the same price as the local cinderblocks we will be able to take the market and incentivize a new building method that is better suited for our area. As well as to take those profits from our block sales to fund our non-profit Dome Homes for those who are less fortunate. Inflation is destroying purchasing power and these shipping and manufacturing rates change constantly. If you want to know the full details on the Machines, Shipping and Labor Rates please reach out to us.
Our Blocks use the local sediments and clays of our district
Our Machine is similar to this one, except its 20 years older!
Delivering blocks to the construction site
We have usually 12-22 workers on salary, in most cases they are the ONLY providers for the home, meaning somehow over the past 5 years we have became responsible for feeding aprox 130 people and 20 at home. These villagers working along side us have learned technical skills such as Construction, Carpentry, Metal Works, Masonry and Mechanics as well as digging concrete lined water wells to provide clean water for families. Giving them the option to search for better and higher wages than the ones we can offer. We are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve. Join us in our mission to create a brighter future for all.
Your contribution can make a difference
in changing the lives of those we serve.
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